Dedicated to the memory of Paul


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We enjoyed the many times having afternoon tea with you, especially when it included the cakes from The Two Magpies. We also have a lovely memory of a roast goose dinner that you prepared for us one winter; it definitely would have been awarded a Michelin star! We will miss you very much.
Julie and Steve Cantellow (sister and brother-in-law)
26th February 2023
A love poem written by Paul: A Night Sky In July The sky is glorious, gold and pink tonight. As well as for the shepherds this is my delight, As you are also Tiger Lily, honey sweet, Inspiring, tender, gentle, passionate. All that a man could wish for in a wife, (Oh why did we not meet much earlier in this life?). No matter, for I want you to be with me so much more Than anyone else I ever met before; My witness there to teach me, love me, be my guide, Whilst I, your constant rock, stay by your side To hold you and protect when storms are near. No harm shall come to you whilst I am here. More than my own self it is for you I care. Please God shall grant us here sometime to share, Before my life shall end and I prepare, As does all flesh to fall asleep in death, But first to show I loved you up to my last breath.
14th January 2023
Thank you for setting up this memorial to Paul. We hope that you find it a positive experience developing the site and that it becomes a place of comfort and inspiration for you to visit whenever you want or need to.
Sent by Rosedale Funeral Home on 20/12/2022
Fundraising for
St Elizabeth Hospice, Suffolk
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